Fees and services

Everyone knows attorneys are expensive but sometimes it's just necessary. Good legal assistance should not be only for the wealthy. That is why I aim to provide quality legal services at an affordable price.


In order to provide the best service possible at the best price, I stick to what I know I can do efficiently and effectively.


Additionally, I understand the need for clarity and transparency when it comes to managing personal finances. That is why I am providing a list of services and the rate I charge up front.


  • I do not take retainer payments.
  • I bill for costs after they are incurred (i.e. mailing fees and court filing fees), and always in the amounts I actually paid.
  • I bill for services after the services are provided, never before.
  • I do not add an administrative overhead charge.
  • I do not charge per page or per document for document production. 
  • I do not charge for mileage and whenever possible I conduct meetings virtually.
  • I only charge one rate for all services, $150.00 per hour.


Services provided include Estate Planning, Probate Services, Probate Mediation, Civil Dispute Mediation, Commercial Dispute Mediation, Landlord-Tenant Mediation, Mediated or Collaborative Divorce with or without a Parenting Plan, and Small Claims Mediation.


If you have any questions or you are unsure if I can help you, please feel free to reach out and ask! I never charge for an initial consultation and if I can't help, I might know someone who can!